Fukuoka Beautiful Town Development Council

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Yoshitomi Town

Suzukumayama Park

Suzukumayama Park, selected as one of the 100 best forests in Fukuoka, has a lot of nature, including pine forests near the top of the mountain and bamboo and thicket forests in the surrounding area. To help visitors interact with this nature, a promenade, observation plaza, and recreation area have been established. Suzukumayama is also home to Suzukumadera Temple, which has many cultural assets. The temple is said to have been founded by Gyoki in the Nara period (710-794).

Recommended month/time of day

Approximately 20 minutes walk from JR Nippo Main Line "Yoshitomi Station" Parking lot: 5 spaces

Nearby tourist attractions

Tenchuji Park (1.2km)
Roadside Station Shinyoshitomi (2.6km)

Nearby event information

Yoshitomi Wasshoi Spring Festival (around May)
Yoshitomi Summer Festival (around August)

Gourmet, special product, etc.

Conger conger, octopus

Near Recommend