Fukuoka Beautiful Town Development Council

This photo was submitted to the Fukuoka Prefecture Beautiful Scenery Selection.
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Umi Town

Umi Hachimangu Shrine

Umi-Hachimangu Shrine was built during the reign of Emperor Toshitatsu (572-586) at the site where Empress Jingu is said to have given birth to Emperor Ojin. There are many legends about safe childbirth in the precincts of the shrine, and many people visit the shrine to pray for safe childbirth. These legends related to the belief in safe childbirth are designated as "Legendary Sites Related to the Belief in Safe Childbirth at Umi-Hachimangu Shrine," a Tangible Folk Cultural Asset of Fukuoka Prefecture.

Recommended month/time of day

Approximately 5 minutes walk from Umi Station on the JR Kashii Line. Approximately 10 minutes by car from Sue Smart IC on the Kyushu Expressway. Close to the Nishitetsu Bus "Umi Yawata-mae" bus stop. Parking lot: 70 or more spaces

Nearby tourist attractions

Koshoji Tumulus (1.4km)
Ipponmatsu Park (Showa no Mori) (5.1km)

Nearby event information

Umi Hachiman Shrine Hojokai Festival (October 15-16)
Umi Hachiman Shrine Birth Festival (January 5)

Gourmet, special product, etc.

Goat milk ice cream (KOYASU FARM)
Sake (Kobayashi Shuzo Main Store Co., Ltd.)
Mentaiko (Chikuzen Fukuoka Co., Ltd.)

Near Recommend