Fukuoka Beautiful Town Development Council

This photo was submitted to the Fukuoka Prefecture Beautiful Scenery Selection.
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Toho Village

Terraced rice paddies in the Take district

The historic stone-piled terraced paddy fields are the fruit of the wisdom and efforts of people in the past to make good use of the little space in the valley as farmland. The golden color of the terraced rice paddies in September, and the quietness of the terraced rice paddies covered with snow can be enjoyed throughout the year.

Recommended month/time of day

20 minutes walk from Chikuzen Iwaya Station on the JR Hitahikosan Line. 20 minutes by car from Haki IC on the Oita Expressway. *There is no public transportation near the rice terraces, so you will need a car or taxi. Parking lot: 30 spaces

Nearby tourist attractions

Tsuzumi no Sato (7.4km)

Nearby event information

JR Megane Bridge light up

Gourmet, special product, etc.

terraced rice

Near Recommend