Fukuoka Beautiful Town Development Council

This photo was submitted to the Fukuoka Prefecture Beautiful Scenery Selection.
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Iizuka City

Takamiya Hachimangu Shrine

Takamiya Hachimangu was founded in 715, some 1,300 years ago, when Lord Takagi Gojue received an oracle from Hachiman-taijin and invited Usa Hachimangu to a small wood on the edge of the village of Ikisu, which had 20 to 30 houses at the time.
At that time, a sacred bird descended and perched on a linden tree and chirped "Ana ure ni yaiki osu", which is how the legend came to be known as the Ikisu area.
The shrine has a long history, with a record of many people from the neighbourhood visiting the shrine, as it was difficult to travel to Usa to pay a visit when the shrine was first built.
In autumn, it becomes like a golden carpet with ginkgo leaves.

Recommended month/time of day

Approximately 50 minutes walk from Shin-Iizuka Station on the JR Chikuho Main Line and Gotoji Line. Approximately 8 minutes by car from Shin-Iizuka Station. *We recommend using your own car or taxi. Parking lot: 2,3 spaces

Nearby tourist attractions

Kaho Theater (3.3km)
Former Ito Den'emon Residence (4.3km)
Ouraso (open only for a few days in November, 3.8km)

Nearby event information

Iizuka Yamakasa (July)
Iizuka Hina Festival (February to March)
Iizuka Noryo Fireworks Festival (August)

Gourmet, special product, etc.

Takoyaki (takoyaki)
Chikuho beef

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