Fukuoka Beautiful Town Development Council

This photo was submitted to the Fukuoka Prefecture Beautiful Scenery Selection.
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Chikuzen Town

Kusaba River

The Kusaba River crosses and flows near the Hisamitsu Bridge intersection on Route 386.
In spring, 258 Someiyoshino cherry trees bloom along a 2.2-km stretch of the river bank, creating a row of pale pink cherry trees.
At the same time, the contrast between the yellow of the rape blossoms blooming near the riverbank and the blue sky is a delight to the eyes of visitors.
The Chikuzen Town Chamber of Commerce and Industry will hold a nighttime lighting event from late March to early April.
The nighttime cherry blossoms are different from those in the daytime, and their reflections on the river surface create a fantastic atmosphere.

Recommended month/time of day

10 minutes walk from Nishitetsu Bus Hisamitsu bus stop. 20 minutes by car from Chikugo-Ogori IC on the Kyushu Expressway. *If you are coming by car, please use the Mekubar parking lot. However, parking may not be available during events. Parking: None

Nearby tourist attractions

Chikuzen Town Farmers Market Minami no Sato (5km)
Chikuzen Town Tachiarai Peace Memorial Museum (3.5km)

Nearby event information

Donto Kagashi Festival (early November)

Gourmet, special product, etc.

wood vinegar (wound)
black soybean

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